What are the essential steps to selling a house in a changing market?

According to Chad Kerr of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – Kerr Team,  As of August 2023, the inventory of homes is growing about 10% faster than the number of homes sold.  

With increased inventory and interest rates increasing, homes that wish to fetch maximum value will have to shine their competitors out.

Selling a house can be an exciting yet daunting task. So I’ve compiled a list of ten essential steps to selling a house. 

We’ve got you covered, from decluttering and depersonalizing to staging and enhancing curb appeal. We will also provide expert tips on how to create a warm and inviting atmosphere that will make potential buyers fall in love with your home.

So, whether you’re a seasoned seller or a first-time homeowner looking to make a great impression, these steps will help you showcase your property in its best light. Prepare to embark on this journey to sell your house and achieve the desired results. Let’s dive in!

10 Essential Steps To Selling A House

Why Prepairing Your House For Sale Is Important

Preparing your house for sale is a crucial step in the selling process. It can significantly impact the speed and success of your sale. When potential buyers walk into a well-prepared and well-maintained home, they can envision themselves living there. It creates a positive first impression and increases the chances of receiving attractive offers. On the other hand, a cluttered and neglected house can turn off potential buyers and result in a longer time on the market. By following these 10 essential steps, to selling a house you should get offers faster and for more money. 

Step 1: Declutter and Organize

Decluttering and organizing your space is certainly the first essential step to selling a house. Clutter can make your home feel smaller and less appealing to potential buyers.  Organize your belongings neatly and create a sense of order in your home. This will make your space look more inviting and help potential buyers envision their own belongings in the house. Remember, less is more when it comes to showcasing your home’s potential.

Next, focus on storage areas such as closets, cabinets, and garages. Buyers will be interested in the amount of storage space available, so make sure these areas are clean, organized, and clutter-free. Consider investing in storage solutions such as shelves or baskets to maximize the use of space. By decluttering and organizing, you’ll create a more spacious and appealing environment that will leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.

10 esstential steps for selling a house

Step 2: Deep Clean Your House

A clean house is a must when preparing it for sale. Potential buyers are more likely to be attracted to a property that looks well-maintained and hygienic. Start by deep cleaning every room in your house. Pay attention to details such as baseboards, windows, and light fixtures. Remove any stains or marks from walls and floors. Clean carpets and upholstery to eliminate any odors or allergens. If necessary, consider hiring professional cleaners to ensure a thorough and impeccable clean. A fresh and clean house will create a positive impression and make potential buyers feel more comfortable and confident in their decision.

By keeping your house clean and presentable, you’ll be ready to welcome potential buyers anytime.

interior painters in Deer Creek

Step 3: Make Necessary Repairs & Upgrades

Before listing your house, it’s essential to address any necessary repairs or upgrades.  Hire a home inspector to

Start by inspecting your property for any visible issues such as leaky faucets, cracked tiles, or chipped paint. These small repairs can make a big difference in the overall appearance and appeal of your home. Fixing these issues shows potential buyers that your house has been well-maintained and cared for. It also gives them peace of mind knowing that they won’t have to deal with immediate repairs after purchasing the property.

Consider making upgrades that will add value to your home and attract potential buyers. This could include replacing outdated fixtures, upgrading appliances, or repainting walls in neutral colors. These upgrades don’t have to be expensive or extensive. Simple changes can make a significant impact and give your home a fresh and modern look.  

painting is one of the esstential steps to selling a house
Chad Kerr of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Kerr Team says, "Get rid of off colors because they can be off-putting."

Step 4: Stage your house for maximum appeal

Staging your house is a strategic way to showcase its full potential and create a lasting impression on potential buyers. The goal is to create an atmosphere that allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space. Start by removing any personal items such as family photos or religious artifacts. This allows buyers to imagine themselves living in the house and makes it easier for them to visualize their own belongings in the space.

Furniture placement is another essential aspect of staging. Arrange furniture in a way that creates a natural flow and highlights the best features of each room. Consider removing any bulky or unnecessary furniture to create a more spacious and open feel. Use neutral colors and minimal decor to create a clean and inviting environment. Don’t forget to pay attention to lighting. Bright and well-lit spaces feel more welcoming and spacious. Open curtains and blinds to let in natural light and consider adding extra lighting where needed. By staging your house effectively, you’ll create a warm and inviting atmosphere that will make potential buyers fall in love with your home.

stagging a home is an essential part of selling a house for maximum dollars

These two photos are from a townhouse.  The seller followed all 10 steps!  It sold immediately for $25,000 over asking.  Notice how well these professionally taken photographs allow buyers to envision themselves in the space (staging).  The rooms are absent of personal belongings, the colors are neutral and the kitchen has been updated.  The space is clean and decluttered.  Following the 10 essential steps to selling a house will takes time but the effort is worth it. 

Step 5: Enhance Curb Appeal

Certainly, curb appeal is one of the ten essential steps to selling a house.   Start by ensuring that the exterior of your house is clean and well-maintained. Power wash the exterior walls, clean windows, and remove any debris or clutter from the yard. Consider painting the front door or adding a fresh coat of paint to the exterior siding and shutters. A well-maintained and visually appealing exterior sets the stage for what potential buyers can expect inside.

Landscaping is another important aspect of curb appeal. Ensure your lawn is well-groomed, trees and bushes are pruned, and flower beds are maintained. Add some colorful flowers or plants to create a welcoming and vibrant look. Pay attention to the driveway and walkway. Repair any cracks or damages and ensure they are clean and free of any obstacles. Adding outdoor furniture or decor can also enhance the overall appeal and make the space more inviting. Enhancing curb appeal’ll create a positive first impression and set the stage for a successful sale.

Overgrown bushes, faded chipping paint, dramtically reduces the price and desirability.
Curb appeal is another example of one the essential steps to selling a house
Alternatively, this house has wonderful curb appeal and charm.

Step 6: Depersonalize and neutralize your space

When potential buyers walk into your house, they want to be able to imagine themselves living there.

Depersonalizing and neutralizing your space is crucial in allowing buyers to envision their own lives in the house.

Start by removing personal items such as family photos, personal collections, or unique decor.

This creates a blank canvas for potential buyers and makes it easier for them to imagine their own belongings in the space.

Neutralize your space by repainting walls in neutral colors.

Bold or personalized paint colors can be a turnoff for some buyers as they may find it difficult to envision their own furniture and decor in the space. Neutral colors create a clean and versatile backdrop that appeals to a wider range of buyers.

Consider repainting walls in shades of white, beige, or gray.

This creates a more neutral environment and makes the space feel brighter and more spacious.

By depersonalizing and neutralizing your space, you’ll create a welcoming and versatile environment that appeals to a wide range of potential buyers.

Step 7: Take high-quality photographs

In today’s digital age, high-quality photographs are essential in attracting potential buyers. Most buyers start their search online, and the quality of your photographs can make or break their decision to view your house in person. Invest in professional photography or use a high-quality camera to capture your home’s best features. Highlight the unique selling points of each room and showcase the flow and layout of the house. Pay attention to lighting and angles to ensure that your photographs accurately represent your home.

Consider hiring a professional stager to help you prepare your house for photography. They can provide valuable insights on how to style each room and enhance its visual appeal. Remember, your photographs are the first impression potential buyers will have of your house, so make sure they accurately represent the beauty and potential of your home. By taking high-quality photographs, you’ll capture the attention of potential buyers and increase the likelihood of receiving inquiries and requests for showings.

10 essential steps to selling a house
Having professional pictures taken can increase the value of a home buy as much as $5,000 or more!

Step 8: Write a compelling listing description

A compelling listing description is crucial in attracting potential buyers and generating interest in your property. Start by highlighting the unique selling points of your house. What sets it apart from others in the market? Is it the location, the architectural design, or the amenities? Use descriptive language to bring these features to life and create a sense of excitement.

Describe each room in detail, highlighting the key features and their benefits. For example, instead of saying “spacious living room,” you could say “open and airy living room with floor-to-ceiling windows, providing abundant natural light and stunning views.” Use emotive language to create a sense of desire and make potential buyers envision themselves living in the space.

Include information about the neighborhood, nearby amenities, and any recent upgrades or renovations. This helps potential buyers understand the value and appeal of your property. Be honest and transparent in your description to build trust with potential buyers. By writing a compelling and informative listing description, you’ll attract the right buyers and generate interest in your property.

Step 9: Market your house effectively

Marketing plays a crucial role in reaching potential buyers and generating interest in your property. Start by creating an online presence for your house. List your property on popular real estate websites and use social media platforms to showcase your home’s features and attract potential buyers. Consider creating a virtual tour or video walkthrough to give potential buyers a more immersive experience.

Traditional marketing methods such as print advertisements and yard signs are still effective in reaching local buyers. Create eye-catching flyers or brochures that highlight the key features of your house and distribute them in your neighborhood and local businesses. Use professional signage and ensure that your contact information is clearly visible. By marketing your house effectively, you’ll increase its visibility and reach a wider pool of potential buyers.

Step 10: Prepare for open houses and showings

Preparing for open houses and showings is the final step in successfully selling your house. Start by creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Open curtains and blinds to let in natural light and ensure that the house is well-lit. Set the temperature at a comfortable level and consider adding subtle scents or fresh flowers to create a pleasant aroma.

Remove any personal items such as toothbrushes or pet supplies from bathrooms. Ensure that all rooms are clean and tidy, and beds are made. Pay attention to details such as folded towels, neatly arranged pillows, and polished surfaces. Create an inviting atmosphere by playing soft background music and offering refreshments.

Consider hiring a professional home stager or asking for feedback from a trusted friend or family member. They can provide valuable insights on how to showcase your house’s best features and create a memorable experience for potential buyers. By preparing for open houses and showings, you’ll create a positive and lasting impression that will make potential buyers remember your house.

10 esstential steps to selling a house
A burning fireplace and place setting helped have this house sold immediatly for 3.5% over asking price.

Now that we have detailed the 10 essential steps to selling a house lets devulge some trade secrets.

Get the house inspected prior to listing.  The house is going to get inspected anyway.  Because it is shifting more to a buyer’s market, the seller will probably pay for the improvements.  It will be very comforting to both the buyer and the seller that the next inspection will have very few things to do.  Also, you can charge more knowing that how will show well and that everything is working properly and up to code.

Once the inspector provides a list of items that need correction, you can begin tackling them.  Or give us a call, and we can take care of the handyman and painting items. 

Remove wallpaper.  Most people will not want the wallpaper installed when buying a home.

This can be a major deterrent to buying a home.  

Either take it down or perhaps paint over it. 

If the wallpaper is smooth and still grabbing onto the wall, it may be easier to paint over.   

If the walls were sized before installing the wallpaper, it would be best to remove them.

Click these links for more information about removing wallpaper or hiring a professional company

painting over wllpaper

Adding plants can make a room come alive. 

If you watch any Home Design shows, you will have noticed how just about every room has a plant of some kind.

The plant could have flowers or not, be tall or short, and be real or fake. 

If you don’t have a green thumb, don’t worry the artificial plants will work just fine.

Typically the size of the plant is in proportion to the size of the room.

After the room is decluttered and clean, start thinking in terms of what plants could go in the rooms.


Preparing your house for a successful sale requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these 10 essential steps, you can ensure that your property stands out from the competition and attracts potential buyers. From decluttering and depersonalizing to staging and enhancing curb appeal, each step plays a crucial role in creating a positive first impression and generating interest in your property. Remember to take high-quality photographs, write a compelling listing description, and market your house effectively to reach a wider pool of potential buyers. Finally, prepare for open houses and showings by creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that will make potential buyers fall in love with your home. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to successfully selling your house and achieving the results you desire. Happy selling!

Recommended realtors in the OKC metro area include:

Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – Kerr Team