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You'll receive a phone call within the next 60 minutes from one of our friendly staff members. Can't wait to get started? Click on the button below to call now and schedule your free house painting estimate.
Enter your name, email and phone number below. One of our friendly staff members will get back to you within 60 minutes to schedule your free painting estimate. We can’t wait to meet you!
Houston Area Residents – Let us paint your house today…inside or out!
There are two main reasons to choose Klappenberger & Son for your professional interior and exterior painting. First, the fun reason: t is a great opportunity to change a house into your home. Want a bright bold door? Awesome! Want a chalkboard wall for the kids? We can do that!
Secondly, a professional painting job is to protect your home inside and out. For most of us, your home is your largest investment so it makes sense to take care of it.
Klappenberger & Son is a professional interior and exterior painting company. Our painters know the weather and climate issues that your home will face. We are dedicated to making sure that your house looks beautiful, and will stay that way for as long as possible. We have all the experts you need under one roof for your ALL of your painting needs.
Contact Klappenberger & Son at 832-536-6555 or complete the form to be contacted within the next 60 minutes by our friendly staff to schedule your FREE house painting estimate.
We know that it can be hard to trust your home to just anyone.
This is why we pride ourselves on:
- High-Quality, Detailed Work From Professionals
- Timely Communication
- Reasonable, Transparent Pricing
- Great Customer Service
Why Choose Klappenberger and Son for Your House Painting Project?
Our Process
Our quick and painless painting process allows us to transform your kitchen in under a week!
Our Pricing
We offer transparent, reasonable pricing that lays the cost out in a way that is easy to understand.
Our Team
Our team is comprised of professional, experienced painters that will respect your home and keep the workspace clean.